Caring Together Blog
This year, I am really trying to put the ‘merry’ back in Christmas. I fought through the tears to decorate the house. I found the energy to bring back the Elf on the Shelf and I attempted to decorate the Christmas tree this year. I even went shopping for gifts on several occasions. I did none of these things since my son Xavier died...... Read more
This is a place where you can find information you can trust, and understanding, as you care for your seriously ill child. Families who are caring for a seriously ill child have developed to help others walking a similar path. Caring for your child may at times feel overwhelming and lonely. We want you to know that you aren’t alone. We are here for you ... Read more

It’s been over a decade now since I first heard the word ‘palliative’ in relation to my son Xavier’s care. Things were a lot different back then. In fact, there was very little Canadian information help explain exactly what palliative care meant for my then eight-month-old baby and our family ... Read more